Remember how Audi and I spent our 10th wedding anniversary at Butterfly Gap?  Well, I still have dreams about that place.  Probably more so now because it’s fall and I’m sure that the change of season is gorgeous in that part of the country!  Butterfly Gap is honestly this magical haven tucked away in the Smoky Mountains.  There are many things that make Butterfly Gap a unique, romantic destination.  But by far the scenic views have got to be at the top of the list.  Can you just imagine what the fall colors must look like there now?
The lookout was the perfect place to watch the sunset.
Audi and I waiting to watch the sunset.
 All of the rentals at Butterfly Gap are either hidden in the woods or at the edge of the lake:
 Our’s was in the woods with the most adorable screened in porch:
Another great view at Butterfly Gap? Â The homemade ice cream that was in the freezer of rental when we checked in:
It was just as yummy as it looks! Â However did they know that mint chocolate chip is my favorite???
We miss you Butterfly Gap!
This posting was sponsored by Butterfly Gap, but all opinions are strictly my own.Â