Chocolate Lasagna!

Remember the review I did a few months ago for Fante’s Great Aunt Gina’s Pasta Machine?  Ever since our first try with fettuccine, I’ve been wanting to try lasagna noodles, but not just any noodles.  CHOCOLATE noodles!  Turns out you make it just like regular pasta, but with cocoa in the mix.  Add some sinfully rich layers in-between, and you’ve got one fabulous dessert!




Yet another reason to get yourself a pasta maker 🙂

And I tried a variation of this recipe.

About Camille

I'm an old-fashioned Boston seamstress in love with her hubby and boys! I hate the rain, love getting emails, and could live on ice cream. I am a former Home Ec teacher, a casual marathoner, and a thrift-store shopaholic!

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