Amazing Grace Headbands {Giveaway} ***ENDED***

We did some traveling last week and headed to St. George, Utah to visit Audi’s family.  By now Banjo is the seasoned traveler.  Ruby?  Not so much.  This was Ruby’s very first time on an airplane and quite the adventure.  Here she is while she was still enjoying the flight:

The return flight yesterday went extremely better than the going one!  Maybe she got used to it by that point?  Or she was just super tired, because we had to travel by car the 2 hours from St. George to Las Vegas to then board the plane.  At any rate we had to begin our drive at the crack of dawn and that meant Ruby wore her pjs for the first leg of the journey.  Did I mention that we were running low on clothing and she wore the backup pair of pjs?  The little boy pjs.  Yep she sported them all through security.  That’s when I discovered that everyone must have thought she was a BOY, because she most certainly looked like one!  What should I have done in this situation?  Had her sport an adorable headband from Amazing Grace Headbands that’s what!

Such a pretty headband in pink and brown!

There are so many shabby chic hair accessories to be found at Amazing Grace Headbands.  Let’s have a look shall we?


Which one is your favorite?  Told you they were adorable!  Who’s ready from a giveaway???

The winner of this giveaway is going to receive this gorgeous bright coral headband from Amazing Grace Headbands.

Now that’s a dandy giveaway!

*This giveaway is open to entries in the US only

*Winners are not notified through email, so you have to check back to find out if you won! The winner of this giveaway will be posted no later than the evening of Monday, August 13th. Be sure and check back then to see if you won, so you can claim your prize.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


This posting and giveaway were sponsored by Amazing Grace Headbands, but all opinions are strictly my own.

About Tara

I'm living a dandy life in the Lou.


  1. amy pugmire says

    i love the Giant frayed cotton and tulle flower, light pink headband

  2. i absolutely looove the coral headband you are giving away!! i love the color it would look great on my dark haired beauty Rosalia! =]

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