Prior To Parenthood {For The Love Of Blog}

FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 2008

More of us prior to parenthood!

 The Audi and I liked to travel before we had children.  Sure we still travel, but to different places now.  Kid friendly places.  Places like Disney World.  It’s where the kids like to go.  And honestly?  As you will see below we like the land of the mouse too.  It’s a place for adults and kids to vacation.  #Truth.  You know it’s true.  We all know it’s true.  So here are just a few of our scrapbooking memories in pictures
Most of these pictures show our love for travel…hopefully baby will feel the same way!!
Dinner in Ambergris Caye
Chatsworth House (Derbyshire, England)
Manchester, England
The City of Light
 I did buy some really cute Paris fashion items on that trip.  I might still own the clothing too.  #holdontoclothingforever
Lake of the Ozarks
Missouri Botanical Garden
Zion National Park
Antelope Canyon
It’s Dr. Audi! (Philadelphia)
New York City

St. Louis for my brother’s wedding

Disney World

Lake Powell
And now…


As in September 6, 2014.

Keep in mind that we were living in San Antonio when that blog post was written.  Hence the reason for our visiting St. Louis for my brother’s wedding and then traveling to the Missouri Botanical Gardens.  At that point in time we weren’t yet St. Louisans!  Weren’t we such babies in those pictures???  I don’t quite know where the time has gone.  I guess 12 years tends to age a person. *wink*

Have you been to any of the places we traveled?

New family members!

The end of July we went on our annual vacation to Lake Powell.  It’s in Utah/Arizona and always a family reunion of sorts.  ALL of us stay on a houseboat for an entire week and there are A LOT of us.


This time around there were 28 of us.  Again… all on one house for a week.  Fortunately for us it’s a big houseboat.  🙂


It’s always a fun trip, but this year it was also very eventful!  The second night we were all surprised when my niece’s boyfriend (who joined us at the lake this year…brave boy) proposed!  It was great news and we were all very happy.  After that how could the trip get even more eventful you ask???

Well, the very next day my brother-in-law and his wife received a phone call (on the boat) from the adoption agency they have worked with in the past.  They have been on the waiting list for quite a few years to adopt again and to no avail.  Out of nowhere a birth mother selected them to adopt her 10 month old twins!  It has been over 5 years since their last adoption and we were all ecstatic by the fabulous news.  So now in addition to their two girls they have another girl and a boy!

My friends over at Joovy wanted to be involved in the blessed union of adoption and welcoming the newest additions to our family.  They are the experts on baby gear and knew that twins require double the gear.


Joovy was nice enough to send my brother-in-law and his wife a fantastic welcome home gift for their twins.  The Caboose Too Ultralight!

1 (11)


1 14   1 15


Aren’t they adorable?  My sister-in-law said that it’s the perfect stroller for doubles.  It’s really light weight and the back seat can easily be converted to a tandem for when the babies are older.  Most importantly due to the positioning of the seats the babies aren’t able to pull each others hair!  We were able to officially meet the little cuties last weekend at the wedding of our niece.  They of course had their Caboose stroller in tow.   🙂

Oh and here’s a picture of the bride and groom with the happy parents of the bride looking on admiringly at all of their children.


Love them all!

Thanks again Joovy for sending the stroller to my family and helping to congratulate them on their newest additions!