{DIY} Not Just a Hat Rack. Nevermind – it is a Hat Rack.

I always always put my boys in hats when we are outside.  I’ve been doing it since they were teensy babies as I wanted them to get used to it.  We all have fair skin and living in the south, it’s sun city here — so I wanted to be able to protect their little eyes and faces from the burning, searing Texas sun.

 Now when we leave the house, my two year old always since, “Wait!  I need my hat!  The sun will poke my eyes!”   And if we forget Baby D’s hat, he always reminds me to run in and grab it.  The result of this is that we have a. lot. of. hats.  It’s a weakness of mine — everytime I see a cute one that will fit (or will fit in the future) I buy it.  Some people buy shoes, I buy toddler baseball hats.  Or beanies.  Or newsboy hats.  Whatever, I like ’em all.

 I had previously just screwed a few robe hooks into each of their walls to hang up all the hats.  But the hats were multiplying and the hooks couldn’t accomodate all the hats and I would stack them on soooo carefully and not breathe near them and hope that they wouldn’t all fall down the first time my kids slammed the door.  They did fall. 

So I came up with this guy:

This is what I started with (I always always save old frames, no matter how ugly or odd-sized — and sure enough, one day a project comes along that is just begging for a weird looking side by side 10 x 13 frame):

How the magic happened:

{1} Spray paint red — I start to wilt if it’s been awhile since I spray painted anything

{2} Took out the cardboard backing, wrapped it in burlap and hot glued down the edges so it would stay tight

{3} I predrilled small holes and then screwed in some hooks by hand along the bottom of the frame

{4} Then I contacted Shelley at Wonderfully Wordy {also House of Smiths — amazing!} and got me some cute vinyl.  A few days later, it was on my doorstep and all I did was peel and stick.  So easy.


Now I have a cute, functional and personalized hat rack that hangs in my son’s room.  He loves it; I love it.   Oh, and I did the entire project in the time it took me to watch one recorded {that means no commercials!} episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians {don’t judge me}.

I’m solving the world’s problems {otherwise known as my pet peeves} one at a time.  What simple storage or organization tricks have you used in your home?

I am linking to these fun sites: Tatertots and Jello, Funky Junk Interiors, Finding Fabulous, The Shabby Chic Cottage, Just a Girl, Paisley Passions, 30 Days and The Shabby Nest.  

p.s. If you have never seen Shelley’s stuff, go browse over at Wonderfully Wordy.  I have ordered from her in the past as well, and she never disappoints!

{DIY} Please Welcome Paisley Passions

HELLO all of you Dandy Giveaway blog readers out there! I am thrilled to be guest posting with Lanni and Tara on their super cute blog today!
My name is Lori and my blog is called Paisley Passions.

I am a mother of five (four of which are teenagers!  YIKES!), wife, full-time returning college student, and a lover of all things “crafty”.  I LOVE to create things!  My Paisley Passions blog is a place where I have an outlet for when my creative mojo starts flowing 😉

I have been out and about in blogland for a couple of years now, but I just started my Paisley Passions craft blog the first week of July 2010. It is so fun to have a place to share all of my creative projects and I love making new friends through the world of blogging 🙂

On my blog you will find easy Home Decor projects like this:

Vanity Before and After

A few Fun Projects like this:

From Picture Frame to Laptray

And even some stuff like this:

Party Time Fun!

Or some stuff like this:

Trick or Treat Candy Chest

If you are ever looking for a Fun Blog Hop or a Linky Party to join in, I also have a Linky Love Library and a Blog Hop Library on my blog, so that the parties out in blogland are easy for people to find and join in the fun! They are free to use (and if you host one, come by and link it up!), all I ask is that if you find one that is new to you, that you let the host/hostess know you found them from my blog. As simple as that! 🙂

On Thursdays I host my own linky party called Thrilling Thursday.  It is a fun party where you can link up YOUR creations, or just come over and check out the creations of the other talented people out in blogland.  It is a great way to spark your creativity!

Thanks, Lanni & Tara, for letting me guest post today!!!  I hope that all of you Dandy Giveaway readers will pop on over to Paisley Passions and say hi!  I would love to meet you!  🙂

Isn’t Lori so cute?  And with five kids — how DOES she find the time?  I’m impressed!  Thank you again so much to Lori for her post and her creative and useful ideas – stop on by Paisley Passions and show her some comment love 🙂

{DIY} Bat Shirt with Sumo’s Sweet Stuff

We are so lucky to host Sumo, from Sumo’s Sweet Stuff today here at Dandy Giveaway!  Here’s Summer:

Hello everyone!

I’m so excited to be guest blogging here today!

I’m Sumo, from Sumo’s Sweet Stuff!

Sumo's Sweet Stuff

My real name is Summer, but my husband nicknamed me Sumo when we were dating. (Should I be offended?) Now he’s got all of my family, as well as lots of our friends, calling me Sumo. I think Aunt Sumo sounds pretty great, don’t you? I live in Utah with my husband, and our two beautiful daughters – Reece & Remi!


Growing up, I never used to be all that domestic or crafty, so I think no one is more surprised than my mom at how I’ve ended up where I am today! I started Sumo’s Sweet Stuff last May as a place to keep some of my crafting projects so that my personal blog wasn’t overrun with them. Somehow, that developed into a place to host giveaways, share tutorials, share recipes, and feature fellow bloggers’ ideas and blogs! I also use my blog to promote my etsy shop, so if you’re ever in the market for some baby girl accessories, come on over! Every Monday is Market Yourself Monday, where you can link up your latest projects, and visit other blogs to get some inspiration!
Sumo Sweet Stuff



Hello everyone!

I’m so excited to be guest blogging here today!

I’m Sumo, from Sumo’s Sweet Stuff!

Sumo's Sweet Stuff

My real name is Summer, but my husband nicknamed me Sumo when we were dating. (Should I be offended?) Now he’s got all of my family, as well as lots of our friends, calling me Sumo. I think Aunt Sumo sounds pretty great, don’t you? I live in Utah with my husband, and our two beautiful daughters – Reece & Remi!


Growing up, I never used to be all that domestic or crafty, so I think no one is more surprised than my mom at how I’ve ended up where I am today! I started Sumo’s Sweet Stuff last May as a place to keep some of my crafting projects so that my personal blog wasn’t overrun with them. Somehow, that developed into a place to host giveaways, share tutorials, share recipes, and feature fellow bloggers’ ideas and blogs! I also use my blog to promote my etsy shop, so if you’re ever in the market for some baby girl accessories, come on over! Every Monday is Market Yourself Monday, where you can link up your latest projects, and visit other blogs to get some inspiration!
Sumo Sweet Stuff


Today I’m going to be sharing a tutorial with you for how to embellish your kids’ Halloween shirts with bat wings!
After my daughter Remi was born this past March, I made her a butterfly wing onesie.

I thought it would be fun to put a Halloween spin on that idea: bat wings!

Last year I purchased Halloween shirts from Target during the post-Halloween clearance sale for super cheap. I had thought about getting them new shirts to put the bat wings on, but then I figured their Halloween shirts would actually be perfect!

What you need:

– shirt/onesie
– fabric
– heat and bond (if you are putting wings flat on the shirt)
– interfacing (if you are putting wings that hang off the shirt)
– wing template (I looked at some pictures online and free handed mine)
– iron
– sewing machine/accessories

We’ll start off with Reece’s shirt. I wanted her wings to hang off of her shirt since she is mobile and can (obviously) sit, stand, and walk on her own (unlike the little Remster.)

Start off by tracing your template on the interfacing. You’re going to need two.

Next you’ll want to trace your template on your fabric. You’re going to need four wings total since you’ll be having a front and back. I cut a bit outside of the template so that my interfacing would fit in between the layers easily.

Take your interfacing and iron it on to two of your wings.

Next you’ll want to sew the top layer of your wings on to your interfaced wings.

After that, iron down small folds on your wings. This is where you’re going to sew the wings on to the shirt.

Take your shirt and measure the width. Place a pin where the middle of the shirt is. This is where you’ll sew your wings.

Pin your wings on to the shirt.

Sew the wings on to the shirt and you’ve got your little bat ready to go!

I did a different option for Remi. I just wanted her wings to be flat on her onesie.

You’ll want to iron on some heat and bond to a piece of your fabric. (I didn’t take a picture of this step for some reason!)

Trace your wing template on to your paper side of the heat and bond and cut out your wings.

Take your tape measure and find the middle of your onesie.

Take the paper backing off of your wings and place them on the onesie where you want them to go.

Iron them on.

Sew around the edges.

And your other little bat is ready to go!

Cute, fun, unique Halloween shirts!

And even cuter when on your sweet little ones!


If you have a little guy, a fun way to do the wings would be to have them extend from under his arm to his side (does that make sense?) Maybe that would seem more boy-ish.
I hope you enjoyed the tutorial! Enjoy turning your little ones into bats!
Come visit me at Sumo’s Sweet Stuff anytime for more tutorials, recipes, and ideas!


Thank you Summer!  I love this bat shirt — I think it’s equal parts hilarious and adorable.  I will be making one for my own little guy for Halloween for sure — I just hope it’s as cute as hers.  We’ll see, huh? 

{DIY} Cheap, Fast & Easy (Just How I Like ‘Em) Halloween Decorations

I’ve said before how much I love love love Christmas and that I pretty much celebrate Christmas from mid-October to February or so (true story).  And although I’ve always thought Halloween was fun, I’ve never really gotten that into the Halloween-spirit (decorating or otherwise).   But oddly enough (or maybe it’s normal, not sure?)  my two year old is borderline obsessed with Halloween and all things “spooky” — like he has been talking about Halloween since last Halloween (and that’s a long time ago when you’re two).  So I thought I’d indulge him and we’ve gotten our spook on together. 

I didn’t really even know where to start, and didn’t really have a vision for what I wanted it to be when I was done — but I thought the most obvious place was my mantel.  So I got to work.   Here was my regular, non-seasonal mantle:

And then I did a little searching around the old information superhighway — and there are soooo many cute ideas out there!  I found inspiration from here and there and mixed and matched.  And came up with this:

And the whole thing was like maybe $12 (maybe even a little less, I can’t remember exactly)?   The Dollar Store is your friend people.  Here’s what I did:

{1} the wreath — took a Dollar Store foam wreath, spray painted it black.  Got 3 five-foot garlands of some lovely (and by lovely I mean so so ugly) fall leaves — and then I spray painted those black.  Cut the leaves off the vine, hot-glued those suckers right onto my wreath.  Like $4 and maybe 30 minutes.  Me likey.

The wreath was a little small for the space, so I just tossed an old empty frame up there around it, to fill up space.  Does it work?


{2} bird in a glass cage (or cloche — but cage seems spookier) — took a Dollar Store bird, took a glass vase I already had.  Flipped it upside down, trapping said bird.  Ta da!  That one was tricky. 

{3} stylin’ white pumpkin — I love white pumpkins and last year I found them everywhere, but not yet this year (or maybe I haven’t looked hard enough; it’s hard to know).  So I grabbed a … you guessed it … Dollar Store pumpkin, gave her a quite spray with heirloom white and then stretch some fishnet fabric over. 

I stuck this sassy pumpkin on a cake stand that I made by hot-gluing a plastic plate (yellow plate, meet black spray paint) on top of a thick candleholder I was no longer using.  Free.  Love it.

{4} Did anyone else know that the Dollar Store has these battery-powered votives?  If you did — why didn’t you tell me?  I am going to go back and buy like a billion more for Christmas.  And my regular life.   I love that they look real, and yet I don’t worry about my spiderman toddler scaling my fireplace (it’s happened before) and then burning down my house.  I just switched out my old candles (real, but only decorative) for these guys.  It looked a little bare, so I hot glued some black lace that I had in my stash around them.  I love that they look like little skirts. 

{5} And for my big glass thingy (I think it’s technically a vase, not sure?)  I just kept the moss that I already had, and strategically tossed in a few spiders and webs (thank you Dollar Store). 

And then I finished it all off with a sprinkling of rats, spiders, bats and other bugs.  One bag of mixed creepy crawlies from …. the Dollar Store was all I needed. 

The best part of this was that I did every part with my son.  Well, not the spray painting and the hot glue (although he wanted to do those parts the most, because of the “gun like” nature of the equipment).  It was so fun for us — and yeah, it’s not perfect and I’ve definitely seen better.  But he is so so proud of it — every person that comes to our door, he says “So, what’chu think about our spooky stuff?”

Oh, and I’m linking up here, here and here and here.

{DIY} Photography With Belle Petite Photo

Do you like to take pictures of the kiddos, but could use some helpful tips?  Well then our next guest posting is sure not to disappoint.  Ready for the dandiness?  Here you go! 

Hi!  My name is Sarah and like many of you out there, I LOVE taking pictures! 

Especially of my husband and daughter :0)  People often ask me when I started out with photography and I tell them that I was the girl in junior high and high school that always had a camera!  Thankfully digital cameras came around so that I can now take pictures to my heart’s content without paying a fortune.  After the birth of my daughter I started taking even more pictures and before I knew it I had started a blog, Belle Petite Photo, and was taking pictures for family and friends and clients.  I still have a LONG way to go with my photography, but I’m enjoying the journey.  For those of you who are looking to take your photography up a notch, here are a few simple suggestions:

1) Take lots of pictures.  (Even very experienced photographers take a lot of pictures…it gives them options to work with after the photo shoot is done.)  Especially when you’re taking pictures of your kids in action….the more you take, the better chance you have of getting a great one!  Plus, sometimes it is fun to put a series of pictures together.

2) Try a new perspective.  Too often we document our cute-kid moments the same way every time, from above.  Try getting down on THEIR eye level or even laying on the ground to capture moments. (i.e. your infant learning how to crawl).  More interesting perspective = More interesting picture.








3) Zoom in, zoom out.  Try zooming completely out to get the whole scene then zooming in to focus in on what’s happening.  Then, try capturing the same scene from a different angle or area of the room.  Each picture will paint a different part of the story.

4) Use whatever you have.  My first few photo shoots were done with my Canon 3.2 point and shoot.  (I was a little sheepish to accept $70 for such a photo shoot, but hey…that was all I had at the time and it worked!  Don’t worry folks, I only use my Nikon DSLR for photo shoots these days :0))  If I’ve only brought our camcorder to an event I’ll take still shots with that and call it good.  Really, it doesn’t have to be an expensive piece of equipment to capture great moments :0) 

If you have a second, click here to see my blog!  If you have two more seconds, I’d love to get a comment too!  Most of my time is spent with my sweet little family, but if you do live in the St. Louis area and are interested in booking a photo shoot, I do have some available sessions.  Email me at:  bellepetitephotographie@gmail.com

{DIY} Have a Seat, Right There on My (Garbage) Bench

I’ve been in organizing, rearranging mode lately and a few weeks ago I was telling the hubs that I wanted to get a bench for our front entryway.  Until now, it’s been just a place where you kick your shoes, race hotwheels around and thow the pug’s leash.  But I wanted a place to sit and put on your shoes, and perhaps hide said mountain of shoes a little. 

So I browsed around Craigslist, but didn’t really find anything I liked.  Two days (trash day) I was driving down my street and my neighbors were tossing this baby.  I reversed, drove past again to see if my eyes were playing tricks on me — after all, who would throw away a perfectly good bench?  Never mind the fact that it was covered in cobwebs, stained, warped and U-G-L-Y.  But I had the vision, so I hopped out, loaded it up in the van and went on my way. 

Here she is before.  Nasty, huh?  Never fear — she got the makeover she  deserved.

{1} Sand, sand, sand.  Power sanders are your friend.  Don’t have one?  Well then congrats on all the calories you’ll burn sanding.

{2} Prime.  I always use KILZ.  And it’s almost always the spray.  It’s the best and the easiest to use… but this time I didn’t have any, so I used the bucket.

{3} Paint.  A few coats of Rustoleum’s Semi-Gloss black spray paint.

{4} Sand again.  After painting, I decided to rough her up a little (looks like she’d been through a lot, thought I’d keep it real).

{5} I considered finishing here, but I’ve been seeing cute number projects all over the place, so I thought I’d try here, nothing to lose if it didn’t turn out how I wanted.

{6} To do my numbers, I printed out my numbers and eyeballed where I wanted it on my bench.  The font I used is called Greer, and I got it from these guys. 

{7} Then to transfer it to my bench, I colored the back of each number with yellow sidewalk chalk.  Then I turned it over, lined it up on my bench and outlined the numbers using a sharp mechanical pencil.  The chalk transferred the numbers and I knew I could just wipe it off when I was done.  I filled in my outline with craft paint that I had laying around and a small brush. 

{8} Then I let it dry for a bit — probably not long enough, because I’m impatient — and then sprayed a quick polyurethane top coat.  Perhaps not totally necessary, but I figured it was in a high-traffic area, so it couldn’t hurt.

And here she is, all done — Whatcha think?

By the way, when I was telling this to my friend – she was appalled.  “I’m all for your projects Lan, but this is yuck, even for you!” Ha!  Could not believe that anyone in this world would just take someone else’s trash… who’s laughing now?  (She has since retracted her scorn.)

And I’m linking up I’m linking here, here, here, here  here and here.