Getting bigger he is!

The littlest one recently turned 3 months old.  On Easter Sunday we finally broke him out of confinement to attend church.  He had been out a few times since his birth, but NEVER to church.  I had just been staying home with him on Sundays while my Audi husband took the older kids.  There’s just too many people at those types of places.  Too many sick people.  Well, potentially sick people.  You get the idea.  I’m super particular about when my babies can be around the general population.  Especially when the date of birth is during cold and flu season.  It’s hard enough to keep the littlest from catching something from his older siblings so why quadruple the exposing him to hundreds of people at one time?  Now that you know that I’m a major germaphobe then I’m sure it’s not surprising that we didn’t having his blessing until he was 3 months old!  We had the blessed day on Sunday, May 4th and here he is in his white attire:


He’s just getting so big!  With his little rolls of baby fat…  It’s like he’s not a newborn anymore and it makes me start to wonder if he will be my last newborn.  *sniff*  All of my babies have been formula fed.  That does tend to bulk ’em up.  This little guy is no exception.

I sincerely hope that I don’t get some major flack from the announcement that I just made.  About the formula.  Not that I have to explain anything, but I will.  😉   I most definitely know that breast is best and was devastated that it just didn’t work out the way I would have liked.  So maybe in some ways my proclamation will be beneficial to someone out there.  One of my readers somewhere.  Or a friend of yours.  My battle and decision to go with formula came not from a lack of trying.   I tried.  I tried hard.  I visited countless lactation specialists with baby Banjo.  He was not gaining weight.  It wasn’t working.  He was at risk for complications from not gaining weight.  After much deliberation and supplementation we decided to go to formula only.  I was stressed.  I wasn’t sleeping.  I’d try to nurse… Then I’d pump… Then we’d (my husband and I) bottle feed the breast milk… Then we’d bottle feed the formula… Then we’d clean the pump parts… Then the process would start all over an hour later.  I was exhausted.  My husband was exhausted.  It was a nightmare.  Going to exclusively formula for Banjo was a difficult decision, but it was a good decision.  It’s what worked best for our family.  If you happen to be in a similar situation… No one can blame you and you don’t need to blame yourself.  Everyone is different.  We all make different decisions.  Breastfeeding just doesn’t work for everyone and that’s okay.  I’m glad that there are options.  Options that are best for the baby.  So if I helped just one person today…  I’m glad that I made my announcement.

Now about Ruby.  Remember she was born a month early.  She struggled with feedings due to her own medical reasons.  We went to formula.  Both times I felt a sense of devastation.  I felt like a bad mother.  I had to Let. It. Go.  It took some time and I honestly didn’t get to enjoy being the mom of a newborn.  I felt stressed about the breastfeeding not working.  With this baby my husband and I both decided we weren’t going to go down that path again.  The baby is healthy.  I’m healthy.  My family is happy.  Sometimes we have to do what is best for everyone.  For the entire family.  We are good.

With the birth of a new baby came some gifts from my friends over at Joovy.  I love reviewing items for Joovy, because they have so many great items for baby!  Strollers.  Highchairs.  Slings.  Potty chairs.  You name it and they got it.  🙂    Joovy has now entered the world of glass baby bottles.  Just fyi… Joovy also has BPA free plastic baby bottles, but my heart belongs to the glass ones.  I think I’m just drawn to the look of them:


And those fun silicone sleeves in a selection of different colors!  Isn’t it pretty?

What’s also so great about the Boob baby bottle from Joovy is the specially designed nipple.  Sure it works great for babies who are exclusively formula fed.  Like my baby.  But at the same time it’s perfect (I’ve heard from my breastfeeding friends) for babies who receive nourishment from both breast and bottle.  The baby doesn’t get confused going back and forth.  So the bottle is a win-win for all babies.  Pay no attention to the tired looking momma in the picture:

1536677_10152002089945894_1799277138_n(Or the March Madness brackets hanging up behind us.)

My little guy is thriving and I’m grateful for the Joovy Boob baby bottle.  The bottles are durable and easy to clean.

As in go in the dishwasher easy to clean.

Going. Going.


Stay tuned for another great product from Joovy…


The BabaSling

*This posting is a review for Joovy.  I did receive the above products to conduct the review, but all opinions are strictly my own. 


About Tara

I'm living a dandy life in the Lou.

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