Workout DIY

Before Banjo came into our lives I worked out on a fairly regular basis.  I loved going to the gym and how great the flowing endorphins made me feel.  After he was born that changed.  I tried to make it back to the gym, but it was hard to do that with a baby to take care of.  Sure my gym had a free child care area, so I thought it was going to be so EASY to get back to the gym.  Not a chance!  When Banjo was about 4 months old I took him to the gym with me.  He just stayed in his car seat and hung out in the child care area.  3 days later he got his first cold.  Coincidence?  I tried it again a few weeks later and the result was the same… yet another cold.  So I tried to switch to an evening workout regimen when my husband was home to watch Banjo.  That only lasted for so long.  I was too tired to work out in the evening!  Like many moms I needed something I could do at home, but I didn’t have the $$$ to spend on pricey workout equipment.  Enter workout DVDs from Moms Into Fitness!  They sent me their Boot Camp 2 DVD and it’s fabulous.  Seriously the best workout program I have ever seen. 

It’s so easy to follow and understand.  Lindsay Brin explains everything really well and she teaches the importance of having a solid core.  Also, how to work that core.  Plus, there’s cardio toning workouts that are only 10 minutes long!  Perfect for the new mom or any mom who doesn’t have a lot of time to devote to working out!

Moms Into Fitness also has other core fitness videos: 

How about a workout for pregnancy?  Of course Moms Into Fitness has it!


Even app options for your phone!

There truly is a workout for everyone at Moms Into Fitness!

About Tara

I'm living a dandy life in the Lou.


  1. Leigh Anne says

    Yay for Lindsay Brin!! I have ALL of her DVD’s and LOVE them! I used them post baby #2, during pregnancy w/ baby #3 and now post baby #3. I’ve been doing her 60 day slim down post baby #3 and I’m down 14 lbs!! yay! She is a mom (just had baby #3 last week) and she is REAL. That’s why I like her. I follow her blog ( and love that she is honest in her videos and posts. She even posts photos of herself in her swimsuit each week that she is working to “get her body back”. She got her body back after 2 babies from good old HARD work. And the best part is, she shows you exactly how she does it with her DVD’s. I’d recommend them to any mom (or anyone for that matter) because they are concise and to the point. My tummy is already much flatter now after doing her DVD’s for 45 days than it was after baby #1. You can’t go wrong with any of her DVD’s!!

    • Thanks for such a great endorsement Leigh Anne! I hope to feature some more of her great videos here at Dandy Giveaway! 🙂

  2. Checkin in from the blog hop. Hope you have a great night 🙂

  3. Hi.
    Stopping by from the Tuesday Hops to say hello.
    Have a great day!

  4. Following from blog hop. Following on GFC. Please follow back:

  5. So I know that this post is super old in terms of blog land, but I just came across your site today and found this post! One of my friends recommended Lindsay’s book: How to Exercise When You’re Expecting: For the 9 Months of Pregnancy and the 5 Months It Takes to Get Your Best Body Back. Granted, my baby is 2 now and my body is better than it was before I had him, but I thought it might be nice for any future pregnancies. I had no idea she had videos!! I am definitely going to have to look into that. 🙂

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